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A Taste of Shippam's

Shippam’s Project Officer, Sally Jones, describes the first few months of the Shippam’s Project at The Novium Museum

Image of Shippam’s advertising board from The Novium Museum Shippam’s Collection.
Image of Shippam’s advertising board from The Novium Museum Shippam’s Collection

For many, the name ‘Shippam’s’ conjures up memories of fish paste sandwiches and the distinctive glass jars that were filled with a variety of spreads.

Others (like my friend) might burst into a rendition of ‘Shippam’s for Tea’ – recalling the jingle that accompanied a 1950s television commercial.

As a company, Shippam’s were highly innovative in their advertising campaigns – the 1955 ‘Shippams Guide to the Opera’ won a First Award at the Monte Carlo Film Advertising Festival for its charming animations featuring dancing chickens and duetting pilchards.

But mention Shippam’s in Chichester and the reminiscences take on a deeper and more personal significance. Here, generations of people’s lives were shaped by living close to, and working for, the Chichester-based company.

Since joining The Novium Museum in April as Shippam’s Project Officer, I’ve quickly come to appreciate the collective fondness for the elegant old factory on East Street that perfumed the surrounding area with the pervasive smell of chicken, and whose façade and wishbone clock remain a feature of the city. An important part of my role will be to collect and preserve these memories through oral history interviews. I’m looking forward to hearing the stories that are revealed. 

Volunteers Anne and Amanda resizing the protective secol sleeve to fit a Shippam’s poster at The Novium Museum
Volunteers Anne and Amanda resizing the protective secol sleeve to fit a Shippam’s poster at The Novium Museum

One of my first tasks has been to assist with training an enthusiastic band of volunteers (23 in total), whose help will be invaluable as the Shippam’s project progresses.

We currently have a team of 12 volunteer researchers, each investigating different themes and aspects of the company. They are already busy delving into the archives of the West Sussex Record Office, as well as library collections and online newspaper databases.

Recently, work began in The Novium Museum, with a further eight volunteers coming in to start digitising, cataloguing, and repacking the Shippam’s advertising collection.

Image of Shippam’s advertising stand from The Novium Museum Shippam’s Collection
Image of Shippam’s advertising stand from The Novium Museum Shippam’s Collection

It’s early days, but we are encountering some wonderful designs. This advertising board from the 1950s folds out to highlight the products that were used to make the meat and fish pastes. The mother and daughter are both clasping their hands in delight at the feast before them – I feel a similar joy when I open up an archive box and unwrap the visual treat inside!

Keep an eye on The Novium Museum’s website for future updates and behind-the -scenes insights into our discoveries. You can read more about the project here: Shippam’s – The Novium Museum


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